Posted on Jan 28 2018

Applied Physics



While the “pure” sciences focus on techniques to describe and explain existent phenomena, and engineering studies apply to the details of specific technological creations, an additional field of knowledge lies in-between.  Spanning the gap between theoretical physics and the myriad fields of engineering, applied physics is the study of how abstract physical principles can be applied to real-world problems. Applied physics explores practical solutions at a conceptual level rather than focusing on the improvement of artificial gadgets while leaving behind the pursuit of “science for the sake of science”.  Conversely, this study can also include engineering problems being applied to further the study of pure science, for example in a particle accelerator and collider construction.

Successful study strategies for applied physics will encourage students with contextualized problem sets which are easily visualized and relatable, as well as the prospect of financial motivation through employment outside pure academia.  

This book outlines and repeatedly reinforces a tried-and-true problem-solving methodology relating diagrams to equations.  Considered easy to understand with or without an instructor, it can encourage new or returning students to consider the practical side of the physical sciences.  Biographical sketches and applicable activities are also presented for additional context and motivation. This tenth edition has had plenty of revisions to get all the bugs worked out, and is utilized in many university curricula. 




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