Posted on Jun 06 2020

God Gave Us You



The angels celebrated the gift of the child. There are plenty of times when I can tell you I haven't appreciated my children. Plenty. That one time when I got called out of a very promising job interview because my youngest was stuck in a thunderstorm when she forgot the garage alarm code. How about the time I was lingerie shopping in a fancy department store when some version of the poltergeist struck my toddler with a fit of projectile vomiting in the dressing room? But, regardless of these little inconveniences, I love them dearly and they are gifts from God. Undeserving of these gifts as we all are, this book seeks to remind us and our children. Sure to warm your heart, over one million copies sold in a saturated children's market, and a #1 Best Seller, gift yourself with this book today.




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