Posted on Oct 06 2024
By admin

Special topics: General Discussion

Thread Details:

This is the general discussion board for Special topics.

If you post a comment here, curators for this topic can share their expertise and interact with you to answer questions, make suggestions and post comments for the benefit of the entire iCurated community.

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iCurated Editor (admin)  

Total Reputation Points:   4546  

Joined 06 Oct 2024
Complimentary Points 5
Deals Posted 1574
Discussions Started 51
Comments Posted 58
Votes Submitted 84

The reason I am an expert in my curations:
I am not an expert in all topics, but I created iCurated to attract expert curators in their respective fields to our community.

One tip I will only share with the iCurated community:
There are experts who can help you before you make purchase decisions. Chances are...iCurated has an expert curator who can help you decide!

My personal blog or website:

Product samples should be sent to this physical address:
PO Box 4763, Boulder, CO 80306.

Here is the link to my Curated storefront:

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