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Posted on Dec 04 2020

Curated Food Products to Make Your Holidays Extra Special

Thread Details:

There are many gourmet products on the market, but then there are those extra special gourmet food products that truly stand out. Plus, they become even more magical in combination when used in the right recipe! However, while it is EASY to simply buy "good" ingredients, what is harder is eating in a way that doesn't abuse your body.  

As a very active, health-conscious individual, it is essential that anything I eat has terrific flavor - of course! - but since I need to eat to stay fit, it is also imperative that my recipes are full of nutrients, satisfy my hunger, and make me feel great.  

I will guide you through some of my favorite recipes and products here. I welcome your feedback. Meantime, let me guide you with some of the best recipes from my years of healthful eating! 





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I am not an expert in all topics, but I created iCurated to attract expert curators in their respective fields to our community.

One tip I will only share with the iCurated community:
There are experts who can help you before you make purchase decisions. Chances are...iCurated has an expert curator who can help you decide!

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PO Box 4763, Boulder, CO 80306.

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