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Posted on Nov 21 2021

Caribbean: General Discussion

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This is the general discussion board for Caribbean.

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Total Comments: 1

11-21-2021 at 08:46 PM

History has it that when Christopher Columbus – having been unable to land his ships on Dominica — was asked to describe the island upon his return to Spain, he scrunched up a piece of parchment in order to evoke the undulating terrain of volcanoes, valleys and mountains. This certainly explains why, despite being one of the largest islands in the Caribbean (754 sq. km), Dominica remains one of the least populated (72,660) and is the only island to have retained its indigenous people: the Kalinago.

Dominica, also known as the “Nature Island of the Caribbean,” is renowned for its abundance of natural splendours, from 365 rivers to the second largest boiling lake in the world, subterranean volcanoes, mountains, waterfalls, hot springs and both black and white sand beaches. One of the world’s last and most unspoilt islands, Dominica fosters complete immersion in the healing powers of nature and allows modern-day travelers to reap the nourishing rewards of a lush, sparsely-populated ecosystem.

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