Posted on Feb 02 2020

Technology & Business
Technology is applied science; it uses the laws of nature determined by scientific inquiry to develop tools and techniques that can be used for practical results. More relatably, technology is science used to build stuff -- either tools (which we then use to build more stuff), machines, or other products. The earliest technology would have been the invention of primitive tools like the wheel or basic processes like building fires. Modern technology is dominated by information processing equipment like computers and their aggregate, the Internet. Technology often gives one culture an advantage over another and has generally resulted in easier lives and more specialized employment for humans, although some technology is obviously destructive, and some people continue to assert that we are better off without it, or at least with less of it. Transhumanists and futurists, on the other hand, can’t wait until technology transforms all of us into something new -- something better, hopefully.
Tech Talk is a video series which dives into new tech businesses and innovators, showcasing what they do and how they do it while introducing gadgets you’ve probably never heard of before -- but might be hearing a lot about in the future. The first season focuses on inventors and tech start-ups from Israel. A set of 12 episodes showcases inventions from AI and robots to medical cannabis and even flying cars.