Posted on Feb 02 2020

Sewing, clothing, & personal living




Sewing can be a practical way to repair clothing and save money, a fun hobby for amateur designers and costumers, or a way of life for professional fashionistas (or even cosplayers).  In the past, of course, it was a necessary life skill; today we mostly sew for traditional or fiscal reasons. Clothes were once said to “make the man”, and it’s still undeniable that your clothing makes a first impression on new people and says a lot about your personality before you even open your mouth.  For those of us who lack sewing equipment and skills, there’s still the joy of shopping for new threads with your friends, picking out a Halloween costume, or even bargain bin hunting at thrift shops and yard sales -- also known as “popping tags”. It’s like a treasure hunt, and you never know what you’re going to find.

This book will be useful for beginners and experts alike.  It can serve as a reference for dozens of fabrics and sewing tools and has plenty of illustrations to demonstrate techniques for both hand sewing and machines.  For someone just getting started, there are new project ideas to teach you step-by-step on how to use new techniques in a useful, immediate context. Hundreds of methods are covered, not only for mending clothing, but putting together new designs, altering existing clothes, and other non-clothing uses like curtains and sheets.




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