Posted on Feb 02 2020

History & Geography




Geography is the study of where things are in the world.  Geography classes generally focus on political borders and relative locations of countries around the world, using this as a jumping-off point to explore political science and history in the attempt to explain why borders are where they are today, where they used to be, and what effects those borders have on political relationships today.  Geography can also incorporate physical maps of the surface of the Earth and focus on maps of landmarks and geological features which exist independently of the nations we form and transform.

History is a written record of the events of the human race and is as old as the invention of writing.  New advances in technology and sociology often lead to innovations in revising the historical record, as we find new ways to examine the past or new viewpoints from which to interpret the data.  By examining and interpreting the past, we hope to understand more about human nature -- and to be able to predict the changes in the future. As the famous saying goes, “... those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it”.  Human nature changes only slightly over time, leading many historians to view “progress” as more of an inevitable cycle.

This book leads students on a journey through history less with words and more with images: it’s a study of history in maps.  Readers can see how the borders of the world have changed over time and why, with references to important social events, wars, cultural shifts and more.  The book is not focused on any one time or hemisphere and presents an inclusive overview of all history from ancient to modern times, around the world.




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