Posted on Jun 19 2020

Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide Hardcover - June 11, 2018



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Geospatial Analysis (6th edition) provides a compehensive guide to concepts, methods and tools, with many examples being provided using a variety of software tools such as ArcGIS, Idrisi, Grass, Surfer and many others to clarify the concepts discussed. Topics covered in detail include:

  • Geospatial analysis concepts
  • Analytical methodologies and model building
  • Core components of geospatial analysis, including distance and directional analysis, geometrical processing, map algebra, and grid models
  • Exploratory Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Analysis (ESDA, ESTDA) and spatial statistics, including spatial autocorrelation and spatial regression
  • Surface analysis, including surface form and flow analysis, gridding and interpolation methods, and visibility analysis
  • Network and locational analysis, including shortest path calculation, travelling salesman problems, facility location and arc routing
  • Geocomputational methods, including agent-based modelling, artifical neural networks and evolutionary computing
  • Big Data - lessons for researchers




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