Posted on Jun 20 2020

Chordate Zoology



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FOR B.Sc & B.Sc.(Hons) CLASSES OF ALL INDIAN UNIVERSITIES AND ALSO AS PER UGC MODEL CURRICULUMN Contents: CONTENTS:Protochordates:Hemicholrdata 1.Urochordata Cephalochordata Vertebrates : Cyclostomata 3. Agnatha, Pisces Amphibia 4. Reptilia 5. Aves Mammalia 7 Comparative Anatomy:lntegumentary System 8 Skeletal System Coelom and Digestive System 10 Respiratory System 11. Circulatory System Nervous System 13. Receptor Organs 14 Endocrine System 15 Urinogenital System 16 Embryology Some Comparative Charts of Protochordates 17 Some Comparative Charts of Vertebrate Animal Types 18 Index.




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